"How We Built Our Business Using A Business Coach" - Eversham Trade - Cheshunt - ActionCOACH

“How We Built Our Business Using A Business Coach” – Eversham Trade

I didn’t know anything about ActionCOACH, I’d heard through a friend of a friend and just thought it might obviously benefit us as a company and we set out a plan. We set out our goals for the quarter and we work on them.

– Mick Harris, Managing Director of Evesham.


Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:


✔ Reduced their working hours.

✔ Move to a bigger unit.

✔ A better business structure.

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We believe in supporting local businesses through re-education and in the current climate many owners and senior leaders feel they need a little extra assistance. Book a complimentary coaching session with ActionCOACH Cheshunt

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