Burning Out In Your Business? | Automotive Industry Review - Cheshunt - ActionCOACH

Burning Out In Your Business? | Automotive Industry Review

I don’t like other people’s ideas within my business so I was very sceptical about ActionCOACH at the beginning but once I’d kind of got the confidence, I felt ActionCOACH were the right people for the job. – Grant Eggleton, Managing Director of Beetlelink.

Working on the business growth whilst being consumed within the day-to-day operations was a constant challenge for Business Owner, Grant Eggleton.

With the fear of burning out, Grant knew he had to make a change to drive the business forward. Grant says: I don’t like change, I’m a very old-fashioned sort of person and I don’t like other people’s ideas within my business so I was very sceptical, however, I’d like to thank ActionCOACH because of the way we work and the way we’ve done our social media and our PR is so much better than it ever was.

Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:

✔ 31% turnover increase.
✔ 56% net profit increase.
✔ Better work-life balance.

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